"Kristina's World: After Wyeth" -- Third Coast / Best New Poets 2017 / Becky Brown's The System is Down (Print) Read poem here.
"All I Can Have Are Field Recordings of the Field" -- Poem-A-Day (Web) / Best New Poets 2021 (Print)
"Song" -- Sonora Review (Print) Read poem here.
"Regrets Regarding Having Never Played Lady Macbeth" -- Yalobusha Review (Web)
"Self-Portrait as One-Woman Game of Telephone" -- BOAAT (Web)
"After Dutch Self-Life By Anonymous" -- BOAAT (Web)
“Gretel, Sans Hansel, As Not A Girl” – The Paris Review Daily (Web)
"Everything Enters the Bloodstream" -- EcoTheo Review (Print/Web) Read poem here.
"Nobody knows you when you're down and out" -- Ruminate (Print)
"Self-Portrait With Questionable Provenance" -- Bennington Review (Print)

[This is just to say:
I am not the person of my namesake who made a YouTube video comparing a contemporary horror movie to the work of Edgar Allan Poe. I have never seen the movie in question nor have I ever made a YouTube video. Just sayin'!]